Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bring him in!

Apart from the fact that they use the Japanese term karate on a Korean art (Soo Bahk Do), this is a great piece.

Jane Couser's son, Ryan, 20, had been involved with Special Olympics for years. And although he had enjoyed playing basketball, volleyball and track, he had fallen into a routine. "He was just really getting tired of it," she says.

Couser then thought of Master Timothy Clyde of Clyde's Karate in Inwood. She had taken a women's self-defense class with Clyde and wondered if Soo Bahk Do, a traditional Korean martial art, could help her son.

"I said, 'I want to know if you could teach my son karate,'" she says watching as Ryan and two other students work with Clyde in the room next door. "He said, 'Sure, bring him in.'"

Today, Ryan is one of five active students with a physician diagnosed physical or mental disability who take classes at Clyde's Karate. The main objective is to work with each student so he or she can be included in Clyde's mainstream karate classes, depending on each student's abilities.


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