Monday, February 12, 2007

Chuka Sticks

A Port Jefferson, N.Y., attorney has vowed to appeal a federal judge's denial of his challenge to his arrest for possession in his home of two "chuka sticks," or "nunchaku."

"A law that punishes a person ... for the peaceful possession in his or her home of two sticks connected by a cord is nothing less than draconian, and should embarrass us all," said the attorney, James M. Maloney.

Maloney, 48, is a former Merchant Marine officer and paramedic. He said in an interview that he has been involved with the martial arts since 1975 and was introduced to the nunchaku by teenage friends in New Jersey.

He said he incorporated the sticks in a style he developed called "Shafran Ha-Lavan," Hebrew for "white rabbit." He told the court that he had never used the nunchaku to harm a human being or animal. Rather, he said he used the device to hone his dexterity and coordination.


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