Friday, February 02, 2007

Gymkata anyone?

Wow, I guess I must see this movie! Read this review - it's great :-)

Gymkata is not a well made movie. It's not a well acted movie, it's not a well written movie, it's not a well directed movie and it's not a well choreographed movie.

What does that make Gymkata? It makes it an awesome movie for all the wrong reasons. There are bad movies that are just plain boring and some that offer a few brief moments of unintentional comedy, but Gymkata is a tour de force of B-movie greatness.

At no point will you not be entertained. What else can you ask for from a movie starring an Olympic gymnast?

The filmmakers obviously designed the entire film around his skills as an actor and martial artist and should be commended for doing as much as they did with so little. It’s pretty depressing to realize the handicapable fighters in The Crippled Masters possessed more fighting acumen in their stubs than Kurt Thomas has in his entire body.


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