Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Plan Execute Fail

Guys, kids! Don't you know that any plan, even remotely associated to anything ninja-flavored, is doomed to fail? Don't you read the papers or watch the news? :-)

For three Simsbury High School students, The Country Market in Higganum proved tougher to crack than Fort Knox.

Their target, state police say, was the store's office. Once inside, they expected to find enough cash to buy a computer. They were familiar with the terrain, since one of them used to work at the store and his mother still does.

Plan A, in which one of them hid inside a sealed cardboard box that was carried, Trojan Horse-like, inside the store by the other two, failed when the would-be burglar burst from the box before the store was empty.

Plan B, four days later, was less subtle: A masked, ninja-wearing, machete- and-baseball-bat waving frontal assault. That didn't work either.

After the first arrest, there reportedly won't be a Plan C.


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