Thursday, March 08, 2007

More Fitness Fads

Guess it had to come. And from New York - who would have guessed...

For those who likes to try out anything that is "new", "exciting" and "cool", but really don't want to learn anything properly (not to mention having to touch other people - yuck!), here's another opportunity to work it out with a fitness instructor shouting into a microphone.

What's next? "Fixed Martial Arts", Mixed Martial Arts with absolutely no contact (we all know contact is bad for the fitness people) and disco music?

The Samurai Sword Workout is attracting standing-room only crowds in swank New York City gyms. Now it's made it's way to Virginia Beach.

Here, in an expansive mirrored room, the instructor twice a week leads these hour-long, total body, no-impact workout classes that combine the basic elements of two Japanese sword fighting techniques - Kendo and Aikijujitsu.

From martial arts? I just had to try it.


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