Sunday, September 17, 2006


I'm sure this is a book well worth reading, and it sure is nice that people find their own way through the martial arts. But to claim that "it has become known as a self defense art, he says the origins of martial arts are in meditation," is just as wild as to claim that the arts are only about fighting.

Maybe the word "martial" should ring a bell here professor? These are ancient warrior arts. Today we use them for fighting, spiritual content, tradition, philosophy, self-defense, work-out, fun, films, games and much more.

Why wearing these blinders, saying "Eureka - I've found the only true path, and you folks are all so wrong!"

Some people can't imagine life without martial arts, just as some people can't imagine not having a cup of coffee in the morning.

Either can find wisdom in Joseph Cardillo's "Bow to Life, 365 Secrets from the Martial Arts for Daily Life." He's a black belt martial arts expert and creative writing professor at Hudson Valley Community College, near Albany.

He says martial arts is intended to be a lifestyle, rather than just a workout.

Cardillo's interest in martial arts grew from his studies of philosophy and theology at Sienna College, in Loudonville. He'd taken some Chinese kickboxing classes as a teenager interested in self defense, but not until college did he explore and appreciate martial arts philosophy.

Though it has become known as a self defense art, he says the origins of martial arts are in meditation.


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