Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before one of these individuals had to "prove" their macho image by talking about Ultimate Fighting.

After all, they are so tough that they probably fear looking at their own reflection in the mirror. I don't see them actually fight though; you see, you have to take off your bling-bling in the ring thing...

Ice-T has always been one tough S.O.B. No disrespect to his mother, but I heard Ice-T is considering a career change.

The rapper is a longtime martial arts enthusiast and is looking to get into Ultimate Fighting. Ice, who is well into his 40’s, reportedly said that his specialty would be submissions moves like Suge Knight.

Anyway, I also heard that Ice is willing to use Nelly has his sparring partner, if Nelly is down.


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