Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Book About Longevity

"50 Secrets of the World's Longest Living People" by Marlowe & Company, is a book written by nutritionist Sally Beare.

She looked for the answer in the Bama County of China, Okinawa, Italy, Japan, Symi (a Greek island), Pakistan (Hunza Valley) and other places where people traditionally live a long and healthy life.

Beare boils it down to 50 simple as well as helpful tips.

She goes into the diet that these people have:
Lots of fruits and vegetables, healthy fat (nuts, olive oil, seeds etc.) and whole grains. Not much - and lean - meat. They generally also consume lots of beans.

Naturally they're moderate about overeating and consuming alcohol. Smoke? Eh... No.

And you don't need trips to the gym, it's the regular exercises that does it.

The leading activities among these people:
Hunting, dancing and martial arts - oh, and in the Hunza Valley a polo-like, fast sport that's played with a goat's head. Me, I guess I'll stick to the martial arts...

And folks - don't forget that a positive and cheerful outlook on life helps too :-)

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