Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sucking Into the Game of "Ju-Suck-Do"

News travel fast these days - so, it seems, does ignorance, bickering, envy, mistrust, backstabbing, and lack of compassion, generosity and understanding.

As soon as there are some news about the martial arts - good or bad, positive or negative - you will see a host of others in various chat rooms and MA fora jumping in to defend or attack.
"I would never do anything as stupid as that..."; "If he only had trained a real martial art, like..."; "I would have done..."; "Why didn't she just....?"; and on and on it goes ad infinitum.

The most recent example involves this case, where a man took physical abuse from his wife, even though he was a trained martial artist.

It seems like it's a game to many out there: Making yourself and your chosen art bigger or better, by talking trash about others. Well boys, I've got news for you: It doesn't work.

Does a salesperson bring any more sales by talking bad about his competition? Does someone think you're a real swell personality when you are constantly talking negative about someone else? I'll leave you to figure that out on your own.

And why on earth didn't this guy fight back? Yes why indeed does someone - male or female - stay in an abusive relationship? Why do we allow someone to behave negative towards us at all? Why didn't he just...

Educate yourself! And my best advice is to start with the letter L, like in love. Now that is a strong fu!

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