Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quaker and Aikidoka

Personally I don't find this strange at all - having taught all kinds of people for 25 plus years. Maybe some people still think about martial arts only as fighting and violence?

People are sometimes surprised to find out that although I’m a Quaker and a pacifist, I study a martial art. I hold a black belt in aikido, which focuses not on attacking others, but on defending oneself by redirecting or otherwise neutralizing an attacker’s force, transforming the situation from conflict to harmony. The many connections between peace/nonviolence work and aikido are fodder for a whole other essay, if not a book. But recent events make me want to look at one question in particular.

It’s one thing to be able to defend one’s own self from attack—but how do you respond when the subject of the attack isn’t oneself, but someone else?


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