Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Any one older?

"Tai chi is the oldest form of martial arts, dating back 1,500 years," says Ben Stanley, sifu – or lead instructor – at White Dragon Martial Arts Schools, "but its benefits have withstood the test of time."


Taking nothing away from tai chi, it's a great art. Still, I'm sorry to disappoint you here - the claims are not correct.
Martial arts have been practiced in China probably as early as 5000B.C.

Personally, I never understood people claiming that their art is the newest, "so new no one has seen it yet!"; or oldest, "so old that it's totally extinct and forgotten!".
Why not just stick to the facts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you could say that martial arts have been practiced since the dawn of mankind. Tens of thousands of years is probably a more accurate estimate.

Many claim to be the oldest and by no means does that mean what they study is outdated either. I think the point Ben Stanley is trying to make is that Tai Chi is one of the only organized form of martial arts that is STILL practiced today. Many arts have died over the years either to lack of students or lack of effectiveness. Tai Chi is not one of those arts.

I think you are the one arguing semantics here, time to take your own medicine?