Sunday, June 11, 2006

Confuse-us speaks again

Oh, I'm confused (again).
Here's someone who takes up karate, and ends up with a belt in taekwondo...
Not only that, but she is one year away from "obtaining her black belt, the highest level".
Silly me, I always thought the Deadly Black Belt ™ was the beginning of training, not the end.
And someone has to tell this poor lost soul (or is it the media getting it wrong? Noooo!), that she's doing TKD, not karate - her "biggest passion"!

For someone who originally planned to attend college in New York City, Kristen Tiger admitted her biggest fear was being randomly attacked on the street.

Knowing that hiring Britney Spears’ bodyguard would probably be a little too expensive and slightly impractical, Ms. Tiger did the next best thing. She took up karate.

Two years later, she’s got a red belt (with a brown stripe) in tae kwon do and is about a year away from obtaining her black belt, the highest level.

Karate has become one of Ms. Tiger’s biggest passions. She hopes to continue practicing the craft through college.


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