Friday, June 16, 2006

A climb too many

Maybe this ninja "habit" - or is it a need - of climbing everything in sight isn't always such a bright idea after all. I'm sorry for this poor lad and his family and friends, though.

Nicholas "Nich" Ermak found self-enlightenment through martial arts.

A senior at UC Santa Cruz, he earned a black belt in Bujinkan during a training trip to Japan, having the rare opportunity to perform in front of the Grand Master. But he never got to see the scroll certifying his achievement. It arrived from Japan after he died June 8 following a rock climbing accident at Mount Diablo.

He fell several hundred feet two days before while at the Sentinel Rock viewpoint area. He had gone there with friends to "free-climb," an extreme sport that doesn't involve ropes or safety equipment.

"He'd climb buildings, trees, poles," a friend said, recalling how he climbed up to the second story of the campus recreation center, entered through a window, then let in the martial arts class that had been locked out.


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