Saturday, June 03, 2006

Not just for kicks

Don't know this style of karate, but I'm sure it's all good. It's really nice to see that it takes some time to achieve black belt status, and that there are solid requirements in order to teach!
Still, calling the man who invented this style of karate for Chief Grand Master...
I cant help but wonder what's next: Really, Really Top-of-the-line Superb Big Old Super Chief Head General Great Grand Master?

Rich Dudley recalls when his son was being followed home by a car that he didn't recognize. His child was 10 years old at the time.

Fortunately, the boy was clever enough to go up to a house where he saw some men working on the roof and told them that a stranger was following him. The roofers came down from the roof, and the stranger drove away.

The world has certainly not gotten any safer these days, which is why Dudley has been teaching Sanchin-Ryu karate at the Barnard Community Center in Howell for the past 10 years.

"If we've saved a child, we've done our job," said the Howell resident.


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