Sunday, September 24, 2006

The "Bikini killer"

French national Charles Sobhraj, dubbed the "Bikini Killer" over a string of grisly deaths in the 1970s, has said he is confident Nepal's highest court will overturn his life sentence.

"Many of the judges and police officers know this is a false case," Sobhraj told AFP Tuesday in the prison visiting room before guards cut short the interview.

Sobhraj has been linked to a series of murders of young female backpackers in the 1970s and was arrested at a casino in Nepal in 2003. He was found guilty of killing US citizen Connie Joe Brozich on the outskirts of Kathmandu in 1975.

The 2004 conviction for Brozich's death rested largely on evidence that Sobhraj and his lawyers claim was fabricated.

Looking well-muscled and younger than his 63 years, the martial arts and self-taught legal expert Sobhraj believed recent political changes in Nepal could work in his favour.


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