Thursday, September 20, 2012

Talent for Martial Arts

Talent or perseverance - From
You may or may not have what we may think of as talent for martial arts.

Similarly you may (or may not) believe yourself that you have the talent it takes to be good at it.

Without a doubt, some people takes faster to certain activities, and they seems to be able to do things without much of an effort.

Do these "naturally talented" people tend to stick with their martial arts training for any length of time? Sadly no. Almost without fail, they tend to get bored and quit before they get really good.

The ones that actually do become very good are the ones that stick to the training - the ones that have the perseverance and who show up again and again, class after class.

In other words: Talent is not nearly as important as perseverance, "just doing it".

We discuss the talent factor in this blog post. Remember to watch the video at the end!


Tina said...

The ones that actually do become very good are the ones that stick to the training. This is so true.

Jenny said...

Talent is not nearly as important as perseverance, "just doing it". Thanks for sharing this to us.

martial Arts Sources said...

Thanks for dropping by Jenny and Tina!
And you're both correct. It's all about just doing it and keeping on doing it :-)

martial arts said...

I am no martial arts expert but I enjoy training and taking advantage of the benefits they deliver.