Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Drunk and abusive

This man was last seen on the TV programme ‘It’s me or the fat dog’ on November 21, when his wife’s pet chihuahua was trying to battle the bulge.

On Tuesday the former amateur boxer appeared at Bedford Magistrates’ Court and pleaded guilty to charges of assaulting a police officer.

Magistrates were told that the man returned home just before midnight drunk and abusive. The police were called, after he began throwing his wife’s clothes out of the house.

Officers warned him that he faced arrest for breach of the peace and tried to talk him into leaving the house to calm down. The man attempted to go back into the house and five officers were involved in arresting him.

One of the officers was struck in the face and officers were instructed to use CS gas in the man’s apprehension.

The accused accepted that he may have struck the officer in a reckless manner but as he was a boxer and practises martial arts, the results of the punch would have been very different if he had intended to hit the policeman.


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