Monday, March 12, 2007

No Sticks

"Handling Criminal Without Nightsticks" ...? To me that sounds more like a program on how to handle a criminal who's not using a nightstick :-) But what do I know, I don't speak English (either).

And what is this confusing stuff about "dealing with suspects politely - The techniques taught to confront suspects and possible attackers involve moves from tae kwan do, judo, aikido and karate." :-) Does this mean that you'll beat the daylight out of people in a polite manner? Saying: "Sorry about that, old chap" after breaking someones wrist?

This is so confusing ...

Turkey -- Police are no longer allowed to use their nightsticks to restrain criminals; instead, they are instructed to rely on defensive techniques -- making one symbol of a policeman’s regalia history.

The Security General Directorate has launched training in a program called “Handling Criminal Without Nightsticks” in connection with EU harmonization.

Police are taught how to deal with suspects politely without resorting to violence or causing physical harm. The techniques taught to confront suspects and possible attackers involve moves from tae kwan do, judo, aikido and karate. European police reportedly use the same techniques.


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