Sunday, August 17, 2008

Karate is Violence!

I suggest you read this drivel to gain more insight into how some people actually sees karate, and other martial arts, as violence - nothing more.

Even though this ehmmm... "insightful, thoroughly investigated and well balanced" article is from Sierra Leone, I think the gentleman here is actually not alone in his belief that "Karate is to fight - nothing more nothing less."

Without obviously knowing anything about the martial arts (rather than perhaps watching too much video...), he goes on to say: "As far as I know Karate is a violent discipline. It is like Boxing, Judo and Wrestling." Have this man been smoking illegal substances?

"In fact my own understanding of Karate is that it was meant for 'Self Protection'," he goes on saying. "Talk to anybody about Karate, the first thing that person tells you is 'Fight'."

So yes, I guess the millions of others are wrong - it's just about violence, you beast! Ah, the bliss of ignorance :-)

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