Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sad, But True

Boy, oh boy, do I ever agree with the sentiment below. Sad, but unfortunately true. In my 30 plus years of teaching, I have experienced the same way too many times.

From Mike Davidson in ('Fiona, you were right'): "I was a judo coach for 30 years and concluded that there are parents who will give their children anything but time. My judo club was a cheap babysitting service - very few parents stayed to encourage the children."

"One day I was talking to parents, when a lad came up, hugged my legs and said: 'I wish you were my dad'."

"I was the one giving him my time, attention and encouragement. His parents didn't have the time."


Hairan said...

Well, sometime martial trainer is like your own father. In Eastern culture, teacher of martial art is respected as much as student's parents.

martial Arts Sources said...

Of course, there's nothing wrong with a truly dedicated teacher being like a father- or mother figure.
What is wrong is when you are *being* the parent.