Thursday, August 02, 2007


Some di*** in Iceland claiming they "know karate". Yeah right, very likely. Experts for sure... The could rather have "bragged" about knowing how to beat up people, behaving like morons and cowards.

Two men in their twenties were attacked last weekend in Reykjavik by a group of four men. One of the victims suffered head trauma, and was hospitalized. The other man was briefly admitted with a broken ankle and broken ribs.

"One of the group members was the leader and suddenly he was trying to kick me. When I tried to defend myself the others joined in," the man said describing the attack.

The victim remembered that one of the four men started attacking his friend. The next thing he remembered was gaining conscience on the street when a couple he didn't know stopped to check if he was alright.

The man said that the attackers, ages 20 to 25, had obviously been looking for a fight. They had threatened him and his colleague and bragged about knowing karate.


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