Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Karate Boost in Confidence

UK -- Here's a nice little article from It's about 10-year-old Alana from Calderwood who has had a boost in confidence through her karate practise and competition victories.

According to the article, she took up the martial art when she had a rough time at primary school. It was hard to settle in, and she was being bullied.

"I don't get bullied anymore," she says. She goes on to say how karate gives her a lot more confidence and that it helps to know how to stick up for yourself. "It's been great fun and it's made me enjoy my life more and enjoy school more, too," the young girl says.

In our experience, many children and parents experience something similar to young Alana here: Martial arts training can indeed be valuable tool to "fight off" (as in: stand up to) bullies ... if the parents allow the child to spend ample time with the given art. Some times the child wants the easy way out ("this is boring", "I don't like it", "I'm not good at this", "I want ..."), and the parents give in.

What is ample time? Well, let me put it this way, how can you really become good at anything in less than a few years?

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