Monday, April 02, 2007


Here's a great piece by Rebecca Coales, about the benefits of doing TKD in Korea - benefits besides doing martial arts.

"When a friend back home in England suggested that I try taekwondo while in Korea, I laughed. 'I don't even like kung-fu movies,'' I said, 'so why would I want to learn a martial art?'' I wasn't an obvious candidate for learning taekwondo when I moved to Korea to teach English.

But one week into my new job, I joined my preschool taekwondo class at a local gym, raising giggles as I wheezed my way through the warm-up activities.

Despite feeling exhausted, I was captivated by the vibrant and friendly atmosphere and signed up a few months later with two foreign co-workers and a Korean friend.

Five months on, I'm in no doubt that learning Korea's national sport has made my time here one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences of my life."


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