Monday, April 09, 2007

He Certainly Grabbed it

It was summer 2006, and Brandon Earnshaw, who trains karate in Chattanooga, became the first autistic person to ever qualify for Karate Nationals.

His story had quite an impact. He became the subject of research papers for psychology students. But more importantly, Brandon inspired another local kid to succeed in karate.

When Alex Davidson's parents saw Brandon qualify for the Nationals last year, they felt the martial art might help their autistic son as well.

"It seemed like the consensus was that this was a good thing for a child with autism. Autistic children are very repetitive. They're very structured oriented. And once they get something, they grab it," Alex's father said.

The nine-year-old Dade County boy certainly grabbed it. He even sounds like a karate master.

"I've been enjoying karate with master Green for many months," he says.


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