Saturday, April 15, 2006

Martial arts is violent?


According to the media Madonna don't want her guy (Guy) to be doing all that martial arts stuff because she allegedly don't want her children "exposed to violence".

I do wonder if these kids will be allowed anywhere near a TV-set, sports arena or sports field of any kind?

Fox Sports recently nominated their "Sports' top 10 blowups" (source). You know what? There wasn't even a mention of martial arts (apart from boxing), even thought there was "fists of fury", "karate kicks", general mayhem and raving lunacy all the way.

They even had to exclude soccer -- what we here call football -- simply because they would take all ten top spots - period.

Violent sports? I think Mrs Richie will have to stay well clear of tennis, hockey, baseball, basketball, American football, soccer, handball, rugby and a host of other activities.

Not much violence or foul language in chess and cross-country skiing yet...


Anonymous said...

Madonna is a moron. A big part of martial arts is learning the confidence so that potential trouble-makers decide it's pointless to mess with you, just because of the vibe you give off. I used to love Madonna when I was little. Now, she's just useless.

martial Arts Sources said...

Hi Blacbeltmama, thanks for dropping by!
I don't know Madonna well enough to judge if she's a moron or not. But, it may seem like her religious outlook, or perhaps her fame, has "clouded her vision" slightly :-) And of course you are dead right about the inherent confidence building of the arts.