Monday, April 17, 2006

No easy target

One of the best things I know about martial art is that there's - potentially - room and space for everyone.
And one of the bad sides is when someone defines what 'true martial art' is for someone else. How, strange, how sad, and how futile...

Rather, let us open up, and simply accept the fact that people come to the arts for various reasons, and that we all have our own path to follow - as well having a way to go!

At least I know that I have a long way to go, and no matter how far I'll reach, I will always have more steps to take.

If you're unlucky enough to startle Elaine Koehler in a dark alley, beware the "rising knee."

When the great-grandmother is serious about demonstrating the move, she has only one request.

"Hold my glasses."

With a flurry of limbs, a swift punch to the stomach and, true to its name, a rising knee to the groin, Kohler throws second-degree black belt David King to the mat. A final chop in the back helps him get there faster.

At 71 years old, Kohler recently earned her black belt in shou shu, a Chinese martial art.


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